Business Basics - Full Day
One to One 


Build Your Dream Home Fragrance Brand

In times where everything is competitive, you have to get ahead of the game
You are ambitious, creative and ready for change
Now more than ever is the right time to start your new venture

Building a brand takes time and experience, let me help you eliminate a lot of mistakes often made in the early stages, that cost too much time and money. We can spend a full day together going through the steps required to start a business.

The day is tailored to your requirements and can be Candle Making or Melts, diffusers and room sprays

We will look at your:  
Idea, Niche, Hopes and Desires
Limbic System, Aromatherapy, Aromachology
Wax, Wicks, Containers, Equipment, Suppliers
Legislation, Product Safety, Insurance,
Testing, Records, Packaging
Branding, Marketing, Pricing for Retail and Wholesale
Ideal Customer and more

Plus a practical session - making candles or melts, diffusers and room sprays

 Workbooks and all materials are supplied plus lunch and refreshments

This session is held at a venue in Derbyshire
9.30am to 3.30pm with a break for lunch (included)
An in-person day can be arranged at your studio/home - Time 10.00am to 2.30pm  ( Extra charges may apply )

Beverly Jeffreys

 "This was one of the best candle workshops I've attended. Jane was extremely  accommodating  and knowledgeable on everything and items relating to candle making. She clarified my ideas of branding and importance of correct formulas."

Rebecca Jauncey

 "I loved the day, thoroughly enjoyed it. I like the fact it's one to one and you have Jane to guide you. Her knowledge and expertise are amazing. The fact it's interactive with the scents and practical element really brings it to life and enjoyable. Very informative and the legal elements are interesting and important. Great day had by me. I would highly recommend " 

Rachel Mellor

 "Thoroughly enjoyed my training with Jane. Learnt everything I hoped for and lot's more! Jane was very patient and explained things well and made sure I understood what we were doing before moving on. fabulous!." 

Full Day One to One Session


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Full Day One to One Session



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All participants are awarded a Certificate of Completion